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Meet Patricia Baranco, DD

Experienced Dentist Serving Your Dental Needs in Acadiana

Dr. Baranco, a Dentist in Lafayette, LA, has been with Dr. Curtis Roy’s office in Acadiana since 2021 and enjoys the smooth transition to his family-oriented office and the culture and festivals that Lafayette has to offer. Dr. Baranco has the art of dentistry in her DNA; she has a father and brother in the dental industry. Since she was around the practice at a young age, she started out as a dental assistant at the age of 15. She received her undergraduate degree from Howard University and worked as a part-time dental assistant during her education. Following in the footsteps of her father and brother, she attended dental school in Nashville, Tennessee. Upon graduation, she opened her own dental practice in Baton Rouge and had that office for over 20 years. She moved on to a different kind of way working in dentistry when she began working for the military for a few years where she was able to travel to different places to work on her extremely-compliant military patients.

Dr Patricia Baranco

Personal Life & Philosophy

She’s a very proud mother of two sons and grandmother to two granddaughters. One of her sons played professional football for the NFL, so she has a penchant for the sport and enjoys football games, the outdoors, jet skiing, and traveling. She credits the caregiving nature that she lends at Dr. Curtis Roy’s office to being raised by altruistic parents.

“Being here fits like a glove because we’re all caregivers.”

~ Dr. Baranco, Dentist in Lafayette, LA

Dr. Baranco’s notable list of what she feels makes Dr. Curtis Roy’s practice stand out:

  • The work environment Dr. Roy created and the staff…they’re all caregivers by nature and it really shines through with the patients. They feel taken-care of and cared for.
  • We all genuinely enjoy what we do. That makes a difference in everyday work ethic and the patients pick up on our love for what we do. We’re here to help.

“Our patients are our topmost priority. We take great pride in delivering exceptional dental care, ensuring that we consistently provide the highest level of service.”

~ Dr Curtis Roy & Associates DDS

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Need Help Paying for Your Dental Care?

Apply for up to 12 Months Interest Free Dental Financing.

If you don’t have dental insurance and need assistance paying for your dental care, we offer a dental card with up to 12 months interest free.

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