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An Affordable, Trustworthy Dentist in Lafayette, LA

Choosing a dentist is an important step toward better overall health. Your teeth, jaw, and mouth are connected to the rest of your body, making dental care essential. Curtis Roy & Associates Dentistry provides affordable dental services throughout Lafayette, LA. Our dentist has years of experience and can provide       quick and effective treatment for various dental issues. Our dental practice offers top-tier preventative care, including comprehensive dental exams and oral cancer screenings. We offer financing packages and accept most major forms of insurance, putting outstanding oral health within your grasp regardless of your budget.

thumbs up at the dentist

We’re Here for Your Family

Achieving dental health is a lifelong process that begins in childhood. Over the years, we have served countless families throughout the region. We learn your medical and dental history. We know when our patients have anxieties about visiting the dentist and how to calm them down. You can count on the same treatment. We become partners in your oral health, and through our professionalism and investment in your future, we help you stay healthy for life.

Our Comprehensive Range of Dental Services

We are proud of our versatility as dentists. Over the years, we have built our practice and reputation one patient at a time and established long-term relationships with those we treat. Our dental team – from our front office staff to our dentists – is committed to your oral health. We all do our part in keeping your teeth in tip-top shape. Every person is different and has unique needs. Our job is to provide as many services as possible. At Curtis Roy & Associates Dentistry, we can offer the following:

Versatile Dental Care in a Welcoming Environment

One of the advantages of becoming a patient at Curtis Roy & Associates Dentistry is our ability to provide standard dental services alongside emergency and specialized dentistry. For instance, if you knock a tooth out or need a root canal, one of our dentists will fix the issue after hours. We provide periodontic care for those with gum disease, and our team is adept at handling diseases in the soft tissue in your teeth. No matter what you need from us, you can count on outstanding patient care and outcomes.

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